The coronavirus pandemic has caused a global health and economic crisis that requires global solutions. However, the national-international structure is unable to offer an adequate response to it.
Thought leaders around the world have signed this document demanding to political leaders and international institutions to strengthen the UN system, the World Health Organization and the international existing weak structure as well, applying the principles of federalism and democracy worldwide.

The current coronavirus crisis requires global cooperation and solutions which the existing national/inter-national political system is incapable of delivering. Seven billion human beings are now living in a world globalized by the economy and technology but divided into almost 200 national states which adopt separate measures with scarce coordination and effectiveness. The Covid-19 pandemic shows each of them prioritizing their own vision and interests, which causes unnecessary damage to the world economy and the global society, and costs thousands of human lives.
By definition, national states are unable to deal with global issues. Their failures don’t just affect their own citizens but have spill-over effects on all the inhabitants of this small hyper-connected planet, damaging global commons. Global coordination and policies are urgently needed to defend the global ecosystem and world public health, and to protect the economy and employment all over the planet. Of course, national sovereignty must continue to be respected for national affairs, but effective global decision making is also necessary to protect the welfare and survival of humanity as a whole.
To effectively tackle pandemics such as Covid-19, we need concrete binding action at the global level, such as early warning systems, information sharing, delivery and enforcement of norms, management of transmission across borders and vaccine-treatment research. Yet, while the World Health Organization (WHO) is mandated to deliver these functions at the global level, it lacks funds and enforcement mechanisms. Nowadays, 127 UN member states have still not fully complied with them due to a lack of financing and political will, the WHO can’t tackle countries that do not comply with the International Health Regulations and existing global disease control measures -such as PEF, CEF and GHSA- constitute a globally fragmented strategy, with disjointed funding, disintegrated policies and weak authority. The crisis shows that all the current health national/inter-national system is unprepared to tackle global pandemics as Covid-19, as well as world issues such as antimicrobial resistance and global warming related emergencies.
We the signatories of this document, some few of the seven billion world citizens, urgently ask national leaders and inter-national institutions to take lessons from the Coronavirus crisis. Let’s work together to enable a better integrated 21st Century political system, reinforcing regional institutions, reforming the United Nations and making each level of governance more representative and effective; for example, through the creation of a UN Parliamentary Assembly able to deliver world health norms, the empowerment of an International Criminal Court capable of sanctioning eventual violations, and the building of a World Health Organization equipped to respond to global health challenges.
We the signatories don’t propose a world state or government. National states are needed to manage national problems, but an enhanced global governance system is needed to tackle global issues such as this pandemic. Otherwise, the panic generated by insufficient national responses to recurrent global crises will continue growing discontent and anger, eroding national democracies and strengthening nationalism and populism, with their simplistic “sovereigntist” responses to complex global affairs, and their threat to human survival.
Humanity has become a real community of fate. Hopefully, the coronavirus pandemic has taught us how small the Earth is and how close we are to each other. The time of applying the principles of federalism and democracy to the global scale has come. Shared sovereignty, coordination and cooperation at the global level or national populism. A more federal and democratic political structure able to regulate globalization or further crises and chaos. That’s the question we face.
Abdullahi A An-Naim, Emory University
Andreas Bummel, Democracy Without Borders
Bertrand Badie, Universités à Sciences Po Paris
Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Clara Riveros, CPLATAM Colombia
Cristian Giménez Corte, professor
Daniel Innerarity, University of the Basque Country - European University Florence
Daniele Archibugi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - University of London
Dena Freeman, London School of Economics and Political Science
Elver Hilal, UN Special Rapporteur on Right to Food
Erna Paris, La Sorbonne
Federico Andahazi, author
Fernando Dalla Chiesa, Universitá degli studi di Milano
Fernando Iglesias, World Federalist Movement
Fernando Savater, Complutense University of Madrid
Fernando Vilella, University of Buenos Aires
Gabriel Palumbo, University of Buenos Aires
Garrett Wallace Brown, University of Leeds
Guido Montani, University of Pavia
Gurutz Jáuregui, University of the Basque Country
Heikki Patomäki, University of Helsinki
Javier Ansuátegui Roig, Carlos III University of Madrid
Jorge Castro, journalist specializing in international politics
Juan Campanella, Winner Oscar
Juan José Sebreli, author
Lorenzo Marsili, University of London
Loris Zanatta, Università di Bologna
Lucio Levi, University of Turin
Luigi Ferrajoli, philosopher
Luis Alberto Romero, historian
Luis Brandoni, actor
Luis Cabrera, Griffith University
Luis Cevasco, prosecutor
Manu Bhagavan, Hunter College
Mary Burton, author
Maximiliano Guerra, dancer
Michele Fiorillo, CIVICO Europe
Murilo Gaspardo, UNESP
Nathalie Tocci, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Nicolás Lucca, Periodista
Nissim Otmazgin, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Pier Virgilio Dastoli, European Movement
Raffaele Marchetti, Libera Università Guido Carli
Raimondo Cagiano de Azevedo, University of Rome
Richard Falk, Princeton University - Queen Mary University
Richard Sennett, OBE FBA - London School of Economics
Sabrina Ajmechet, University of Buenos Aires
Sandro Gozi, Presidente UEF
Santiago Kovadloff, Argentine Academy of Letters
Saskia Sassen, Columbia University
Sreemathi Seshadrinathan, Hearts for Hearts
Steven Pinker, Harvard University
Susan George, author
Teivo Teivainen, University of Helsinki
Theo van Boven, Maastricht University
Tim Murithi, University of Cape Town
Vicente Palermo, CONICET - Argentine Political Club
Civil Society Organizations
Asian Youth Center (USA)
Asociación Civil Usina de Justicia (Argentina)
Babel (France)
Center for United Nations Constitutional Research (Belgium)
Centro de Estudios para la Integración Democrática (Argentina)
Centro Mexicano de Responsabilidad Global (Mexico)
Citizens for Global Solutions (USA)
Club of Rome - EU Chapter (Belgium)
Coalición Dominicana de Apoyo a la Corte Penal Internacional (Dominican Republic)
Comisión por la Carta Democrática Interamericana (Dominican Republic)
Cultura Democrática (Argentina)
Democracy Without Borders (Germany)
Esclavitud Cero (Argentina)
Federalismo y Libertad (Argentina)
Fundación Dominicana para la Alfabetización (Dominican Republic)
Fundación Federalista Dominicana (Dominican Republic)
Fundacion Nacional para la Democracia (Dominican Republic)
Fundación por los Valores Humanos y la Ecología (Dominican Republic)
Fundacion Seguridad y Democracia (Dominican Republic)
Hearts for Hearts (India)
One Shared World (Spain)
One World: Movement for Global Democracy (Israel)
Organización Dominicana de Estudio y Promoción de las Relaciones Internacionales (Dominican Republic)
Red Dominicana por la Democracia (Dominican Republic)
Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysia)
South Asian Federalists (India)
The One World Trust (UK)
UEF (France)
World Citizens Association of Australia (Australia)
World Federalist Movement (Canada)
World Federalist Movement - Institute for Global Policy (USA)
Young European Federalists
Young World Federalists
Brenda Lis Austin, Argentine politician
Camila Crescimbeni Argentine politician
Carmen Polledo, Argentine politician
Danilo Türk, former President of Slovenia
Eduardo Cáceres Argentine politician
Ernesto Zedillo, former Mexican President
Fabio José Quetglas, Argentine politician
Gabriela Cuevas Barron, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Gabriela Lena, Argentine politician
Héctor Stefani, Argentine politician
Herman De Croo, Minister of State - Honorary Speaker of the Belgian House of Representatives
Ignacio Torreblanca, European Council on Foreign Relations
Jan Pronk, former Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation
Jo Leinen, former Member of European Parliament - European Movement International
José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, former Member of European Parliament
Jose Luis Patiño, Argentine politician
Jose Nuñez, Argentine politician
Julio María Sanguinetti, former Uruguayan President
Karina Banfi, Argentine politician
Laura Garavini, italian Senate of Republic
Lorena Matzen, Argentine politician
Maria Carla Piccolomini, Argentine politician
María Gabriela Burgos Argentine politician
María Piccolomini, Argentine politician
Moussa Mara, former Prime Minister of Mali
Pablo Torello, Argentine politician
Soher El Sukaira, Argentine politician
Stjepan Mesic, former President of Croatia
Waldo Wolf, Argentine politician
Yves Leterme, former Prime Minister of Belgium